Sunday, October 18, 2009

From Mexico to Montana...

Last month, the cowboy and I made a quick trip down to Montana.
We did a little sightseeing, visited some relatives, and had a great time.
While we were in Helena, we toured the Cathedral of St. Helena,
a gothic-styled church complete with stunning stained glass windows.

While we strolled inside,
I remembered our last vacation in Mexico
and the small Presbyterian Church we saw there.

Two very different structures -- but their message is the same:
The risen Christ!

In Paul’s second letter to Timothy (Chapter 4:2), he directed Timothy to,
“Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season;
correct, rebuke and encourage –
with great patience and careful instruction.”

These words ring true for the church today, as well.
I pray that in Mexico, Montana, and all other parts of the world,
God’s Word is shared with clarity and love.

Before I close, I have to tell you about another church we visited.
A Wesleyan church in a small town nestled in the rolling hills of southern Montana.

The cowboy’s cousin, who is the new pastor there, gave us a tour.

After the tour of the building,
we took a tour of the town in his restored Model T Ford.

What fun!

God bless you all today and every day!

And may God bless Lee and Linda in their new town,
as they share the same good news that Timothy shared
two thousand years ago.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

New Tune...

I 'discovered' Jane DesRosier, of Gritty Arts Studio, several years ago. Although we haven't met in person, I have spoken with her on the phone. And from that brief interaction, and what I read and see on her blog, I know she's a gem.

Three of her paintings found a home in my living room. I grin when I look at them. Her art makes me happy.

Although I knew we shared a love of bluegrass music, I didn't realize what a talented musician she is.

Cowboys and Jesus...what a concept...Here at the end of the road, that makes me grin, too.

The words, "Will Jesus wear a cowboy hat when He comes to take us home?" make me chuckle. But if we're gonna be doing a two-step when we get there, I'd better take some lessons here first!

Matthew 24:51 reads, "They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other."

Won't it be something!