We had even started to plan our annual ‘snow party’ for the neighbour kids. However, I now look out on bare fields and hills and know that unless a big snowstorm heads our way, we won’t be celebrating with toboggans and snowmobiles any time soon.
One of the most unusual things about the weather has been the fog. For several mornings, I’ve looked out into a thick blanket of mist. This morning I couldn’t even see into the coulee.
I know the coulee is behind those clouds, (check the picture at the top of this blog) but on a morning like this, I have to trust that it is because I don’t see it.
This lack of vision reminded me of Paul’s writing to the church of Corinth (1 Co 13:18)
For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face:
now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
Sometimes, (dare I say many, many times?) I have to remind myself that in this life, I won’t see things very clearly. Some things just don’t make sense. That’s because I can’t see them from God’s perspective. But one day, when I am complete, I will see Him face-to-face, and all the answers I lack now, will be made clear.
Until then, I’ll look into the fogginess, trusting that my Heavenly Father sees it all with true clarity, as He unfolds His plan for my life.