Saturday, February 27, 2010

Go for the Gold

Photo credit:  Lifeway Christian Stores

Over the last several days, I've watched with amazement, the outstanding stamina and determination of the Olympic athletes. I've also noticed a common thread in their interviews: they credited their parents for guiding them along their paths...which ultimately led to their Olympic success.

I've also been thinking about our last Bible study. A highly eclectic group of women get together once a week to study the book of Esther, using material from Beth Moore. Last week, one young mom spoke candidly about finding God's destiny for her life.

I could totally relate to what she said -- it would be so much easier if God gave us 'big' jobs and told us very clearly what to do, like 'go save the Jewish race'. I would understand this, and take on the mission with fervor. However, when my goal this day is to catch up on the laundry and figure out what to make for supper, it just doesn't seem that God is using me for any purpose at all.  And I really want serve Him!

Can you relate?

But what if God really is using you right now, where you are?

What if, by your day-to-day actions (like laundry and supper-making), you are touching lives and building into those lives, a faith that will take them ‘all the way’?

What if, in your desire to complete 'loftier' work, you missed this crucial calling?

Would it keep your children and others you touch, from 'running with perseverance the race marked out for (them)' that we read about in Hebrews 12:1?

If you wonder if you’ve missed God’s plan for your life, think about those Olympic athletes who credit their parents' guidance and support.  Know that your role in your home and neighbourhood is crucial to others. You may not see the evidence from day to day when you are drowning in laundry and dirty dishes, but it may impact not only those you know today, but the lives of those in generations to come. Keep on encouraging everyone in your life in their relationship with God. You are laying a foundation that will stand forever --one worth far more than bronze or silver or gold.

And, who knows, if God hasn't put you in this very place 'for such a time as this?'

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Work With a Smile :-)

One of my jobs here at 'the end of the road', is taking our trash to the county dump.
We don’t have garbage pick up, so it falls to us to haul our own.

While we do compost, and re-cycle where we can,
we still manage to gather some garbage,
and out it must go.

Today was ‘dump day’.

I arrived early --
about 20 minutes early.
But I didn’t have to wait,
because the manager arrived right behind me.

He unlocked the gates,
and opened the trash receptacles.
With still about 15 minutes to go,
he was ready for customers.

I thought about that on my way home.

In a world where most workers arrive ‘on the dot’,
this fellow was early.
And I wouldn’t be surprised if he stayed late, too.

In a world where most workers are quick to say,
“That’s not in my job description,”
this fellow has helped me unload stinking, messy trash.

I have no idea if this chap is a follower of Christ or not.
But I know that in this way,
he is following the teachings found in Ephesians 6: 9,10.

“Don’t just do what you have to do to get by,
but work heartily, as Christ’s servants,
doing what God wants you to do.
And work with a smile on your face,
always keeping in mind that
no matter who happens to be giving the orders,
you’re really serving God.”
(The Message)

It’s very easy for me to grumble about menial and messy tasks.
Remembering that I’m ultimately serving God, in all my work,
brings on a smile.

And that makes a world of difference.