It’s been so cold for so long, here at the end of the road, that I haven’t left the place. But today a Chinook blew in and I finally got to town. Hooray!
Going to town is a pretty big deal here. It doesn’t happen often – especially in the winter months. One of the real treats about finally getting to town is picking up the mail. Today was no exception. Lots of Christmas cards that hadn’t made it before Christmas, some newspapers, and even a parcel. I ripped into it as soon as I got home and found two packages of ‘treats’ – treats for people (chocolate) and treats for horses (cookies). What fun! Who knew there was such a thing as horse cookies? And they came all the way from California!
Because the weather was so mild, I took a little extra time with the horses this afternoon, to see what they thought of their Christmas gift from California. I felt like the woman in Proverbs 31. You know the part about “She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar.” Well, I didn’t really bring the cookies – our cousin sent them. But the horses loved them, just the same.
It made me think about treats, and how we all need a treat every once in a while. Life can become drudgery if we don’t find joyful moments. I’m not talking about major expenditures – just simple pleasures in daily living. David Greer wrote, “the secret of happiness in today’s helter-skelter technological world is to learn how to enjoy less than we can afford. We need to rediscover the pleasures our grandparents knew when life was quieter and slower, when children without TVs knew how to amuse themselves, when pleasures were made, not bought – and enjoyed all the more because of it.”
Going to town is a pretty big deal here. It doesn’t happen often – especially in the winter months. One of the real treats about finally getting to town is picking up the mail. Today was no exception. Lots of Christmas cards that hadn’t made it before Christmas, some newspapers, and even a parcel. I ripped into it as soon as I got home and found two packages of ‘treats’ – treats for people (chocolate) and treats for horses (cookies). What fun! Who knew there was such a thing as horse cookies? And they came all the way from California!
Because the weather was so mild, I took a little extra time with the horses this afternoon, to see what they thought of their Christmas gift from California. I felt like the woman in Proverbs 31. You know the part about “She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar.” Well, I didn’t really bring the cookies – our cousin sent them. But the horses loved them, just the same.
It made me think about treats, and how we all need a treat every once in a while. Life can become drudgery if we don’t find joyful moments. I’m not talking about major expenditures – just simple pleasures in daily living. David Greer wrote, “the secret of happiness in today’s helter-skelter technological world is to learn how to enjoy less than we can afford. We need to rediscover the pleasures our grandparents knew when life was quieter and slower, when children without TVs knew how to amuse themselves, when pleasures were made, not bought – and enjoyed all the more because of it.”
“Father, help me to find simple pleasures every day this year. And help me to remember that You are the Giver of all good gifts.”
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