November 17, 2008
Taller and Thinner
Not long ago, my friend Debbie shared a great story about one of her neighbours. She picked up her ringing phone late one autumn afternoon and heard her neighbour saying, “Quick – go outside right now. The sun is in a great place and the shadows are really long. You’ll never be as tall or as thin as right now! Go look!”
I love that story. I love that neighbour. How cool was that? I’ve been waiting for the sun to be ‘just right’ since Debbie told me that story. And last Saturday was the time. I grabbed my camera and caught it on film. Here’s the proof!
I don’t know a woman who isn’t affected by society’s obsession with the ‘perfect’ body type. It’s really hard; we’re bombarded with it on a daily basis.
I found a good reminder in Proverbs 31: 30:
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Father, help us to remember that you look
beyond our outward appearance.
You know our hearts.
Our beauty rests in You.
Taller and Thinner
Not long ago, my friend Debbie shared a great story about one of her neighbours. She picked up her ringing phone late one autumn afternoon and heard her neighbour saying, “Quick – go outside right now. The sun is in a great place and the shadows are really long. You’ll never be as tall or as thin as right now! Go look!”
I love that story. I love that neighbour. How cool was that? I’ve been waiting for the sun to be ‘just right’ since Debbie told me that story. And last Saturday was the time. I grabbed my camera and caught it on film. Here’s the proof!
I don’t know a woman who isn’t affected by society’s obsession with the ‘perfect’ body type. It’s really hard; we’re bombarded with it on a daily basis.
I found a good reminder in Proverbs 31: 30:
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Father, help us to remember that you look
beyond our outward appearance.
You know our hearts.
Our beauty rests in You.
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