I hate to be late. Truly.
But even though I have an aversion to lateness, I can’t seem to avoid it.
I have been late for work, late for church, late for a movie (oh, excuse me as I trip over your feet in this dark theatre), and too late for the post office and the grocery store.
I’ve been late for birthday parties, weddings, and funerals.
I truly hate to be late. I think it sends the message that I don’t care. And that's not true -- I DO care. I just can’t seem to get my act together to show up on time.
Another reason I hate to be late is that it requires an apology – and I’m not very good at that, either.
But that’s not what this blog is about…
This week I discovered that on top of all those things listed above, I am also late in reading a list of 20 books to ‘read before you’re 20’. All three people who read this blog know that the train left the station on that one a looooong time ago. The years before I was 20 are now listed in ‘not so modern’ history books.
Of that list of 20 books, I have read only one; and I read it long after I was twenty. I don't think the author was even born before I had that birthday party!
As I thought about my chronic lateness, it hit me -- God is never late.
He wasn’t late for Lazarus.
He wasn’t late for Noah.
He wasn’t late for Abraham.
And He isn’t late for us.
Sometimes it feels like He’s late; but His timing is always perfect.
II Peter 3:8, 9a says, “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years , and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise…"
Thank you for reminding me of this truth, Father. Your timing is perfect.
So, back to the list of books -- should I bother to read the rest of the books on the list? Maybe I should look for another list – one with a less constraining time line. Maybe a list of books to read before I’m 80. I think I could manage that. Maybe a list of books to read before I clean my house? Now there’s an idea…