Last week, I went to visit a friend and return a book she had loaned me. Both the visit and the book were long overdue. As I turned down ‘the last street in town’, I remembered a time, years ago, when a woman arrived on my doorstep looking for that same street.
She explained her destination and it made perfect sense. The instructions she had been given were absolutely correct, and she had followed them explicitly. The only problem was her approach. While my home and the other person’s home were both on the ‘last street in town’, we did not live on the same street. In fact, we couldn’t have lived further apart. First and last are interchangeable, when approached from opposite directions.
I drew a little map to help her find the way, and off she drove. I’m sure she and her friend had a good chuckle when she arrived.
Last week, as I turned down that ‘last street’, I thought about 'firsts' and 'lasts'.
Jesus said, “For many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.” (Matthew 19:30)
Don't you love the way that Jesus turned things around? In our world, the powerful and famous don't arrive at their coveted spots without a certain level of ‘pushing’. How refreshing to read that Jesus taught the opposite. He wants us to be humble and gentle. And what’s more: He lived those principles to provide us with a model.
I don’t live in that town anymore. I’m no longer on the first (or last) street – I’m even further out – at ‘the end of the road’. Because it’s easy to get lost out here, I try to give really clear directions to people who want to visit. With clear directions and the right approach, you could arrive in time for afternoon tea. Please know the invitation is always open!
“Father, help us be to be mindful of the roads You want us to take, and please remind us of Your teaching on humility. We look for Your guidance along our way until we reach the very ‘end of our road’ and are welcomed into Your kingdom.”
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