Monday, November 24, 2008

Cell Phone Fun

When I paid my last cell phone bill, I thought it looked pretty steep. Why not check in with the company to see if they could offer me a better rate? This is how it went:

After I dial, I have no patience to listen to all the choices, so I just keep pressing ‘0’ and hope that eventually a person will pick up the phone. After several attempts to have me ‘choose from the following options,’ a live voice comes on.

Ahmed: Hello, this is Ahmed. May I have your name, telephone number and password please?

I can manage the first two because it’s been a pretty good day. The last one has me stumped. I ask if he can give me a hint. That is met with a long pause. I try a few possible passwords and finally get the right one.

Ahmed: How may I help you today?

Me: I need to know if I’m on the right plan. My last bill was really high, and I’m sure you have a better plan for me.

Ahmed: Okay, let’s have a look at that. Oh, I see that you are on the “Your Choice 25.” It includes 100 minutes and costs only 25 dollars.

Me: Yes, but my last bill was over 60 dollars. I must have gone over my minutes.

Ahmed: Well, it includes free evenings and weekends.

Me: I use the phone only to call my husband for advice when I’m feeding animals or checking that the waterers aren’t frozen. I’m pretty sure I don’t use the phone in the evenings because it gets dark around 4 o’clock, and I can’t feed after dark. What I really need is more daytime minutes.

Ahmed: Yes, I see that you have not used your evening minutes. Well, let’s see if we have a plan that would be better for you. How about this one: It costs 25 dollars, has 100 minutes and also has free weekends and free texting.

Me: Free weekends won’t help me out much, Ahmed. That’s the trouble with animals – you can’t wait ‘til the weekend to feed them or you’ll have the SPCA come callin’. (I’m having some fun, now) And about the texting, I don’t know how to do that. And I’m pretty sure my husband doesn’t either. Besides, I need to actually talk to him when things go wrong. It would be hard for him to text me directions for thawing out a frozen waterer. What I really need is more daytime minutes.

Long pause.

Ahmed: I see. Well, what about this one: It costs $25, comes with 100 minutes and free internet.

Now it’s my turn to pause…

Me: That sounds interesting, Ahmed. But I just don’t think that I’ll be online while I’m in the corrals. (More fun – Ahmed needs something to talk about at coffee time!) We’ve got one really mean cow who is likely to put me over the fence if I stop to check my email. It’s okay, Ahmed, really. I’ll just try to make this plan work for now. Thanks anyway.
Ahmed: Thank you for calling. Have a good day.

Many years ago, I heard this great little poem:
Use it up.
Wear it out.
Make do --
Or do without.
"Bigger, better, faster, more"-- seems to be the way of this world. Maybe I need to think of ways I can make do -- or do without.
Ecc. 6:9 says,

“Being satisfied with what you have is better than always wanting more.”

I’m pretty sure that I can manage with my current cell phone plan. Especially since my husband tells me he has fixed the blessed waterers!

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